STATE OF CONNECTICUT MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC, Plaintiff ~vs- AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID CREWE JAQUAY L BLACK, Defendant(s). David Crewe, whose business address is 600 W. Saint Germain St Suite 200, St. Cloud, * MN 56301-3616, certifies and says: 1 I am employed as a Legal Specialist and have access to pertinent records for Midland Credit Management, Inc. ("Plaintiff' or "MCM"), Iama competent person over eighteen years of age, and make the statements herein based upon personal knowledge of those account records maintained by Plaintiff. Plaintiff is the current owner of, and was assigned all the rights, title and interest to Defendant's COMENITY CAPITAL BANK account XXXXXXXKXXXXXX1369 (hereinafter "the Account"). 2. I have access to and have reviewed the electronic records pertaining to the Account maintained by MCM and am authorized to make this affidavit on MCM's behalf. The electronic records reviewed consist of (i) data and records acquired from the seller or assignor when MCM purchased or was assigned the Account, which were incorporated into MCM's business records upon purchase or assignment, and (ii) data and records generated by MCM. in connection with servicing the Account since the date the Account was purchased by or was assigned to MCM. In addition,J reviewed the documents that are attached to this affidavit. 3 Iam familiar with and trained on the manner and method by which MCM creates and maintains its business records pertaining to the Account, which consist of (i) data and documents acquired from the seller or assignor, and (ii) subsequent collection and/or servicing activities by MCM. The records are acquired or created, and are kept in the regular course of MCM's business. It was in the regular course of MCM's business for a person with knowledge of the subsequent collection and/or servicing activities recorded, and a business duty to report, AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID CREWE - 1HMMA AVA Oc rm i nen 4-121to make the record or data compilation, or to transmit information thereof to be included in such record, or for such information to be posted in MCM's records by a computer or similar digital means. In the regular course of MCM'‘s business, the record or compilation of the subsequent collection activities is made at or near the time of the act or event by MCM as a regular practice. 4 The accuracy of such records is relied upon by Plaintiff in collecting this Account. These records are trustworthy and relied upon because the original creditor was required to keep careful records of the Account at issue in this case as required by law and/or suffer business loss. 5 MCM's records show that this action is based upon a credit agreement between Defendant(s) and the original creditor. MCM's records further show that Defendant(s) used or authorized the use of the credit Account but failed to make the payments due pursuant to the agreement. 6 MCM's records show that the Account was opened on 2022-06-17 and charged off on 2023-07-31 with a balance of $3,273.54. On or about 2023-08-25, Plaintiff purchased and was assigned the balance owed by Defendant of $3,273.54. As of 2024-03-30, MCM's records show that the balance of $3,273.54 remains due and owing and no interest has been assessed to the Account. Therefore, Plaintiff seeks the amount of $3,273.54 from Defendant. All credits and offsets for payments have been applied to the balance. 7 MCM's records shows that the last payment posted to the Account on 2022-12-23. 8 The complete chain of title including COMENITY CAPITAL BANK, the original creditor, and all post-charge-off purchasers/assignees of the debt are as follows: 1 2023-08-25 COMENITY CAPITAL 2795 E. COTTONWOOD PARK WAY, SUITE BANK 100,SALT LAKE CITY,UT,84121 Midland Credit Management, 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA,SUITE Inc. 100,SAN DIEGO,CA,92108 9 Attached hereto are the following records regarding the Account: AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID CREWE - 2IE UUM IAT ENS In OGG 688225 AFFRECATTACIExhibit A. Statements) (including statement(s) reflecting the charge-off balance, and recording the last purchase transaction, service billed, payment, or balance transfer) and an additional statement sent to Defendant(s) while the Account was active, which shows the Defendant's name and address Exhibit B. Bill(s) of Sale, Assignment and/or Affidavit(s) of Sale Exhibit C. Seller data sheet reflecting the individual Account information from the electronic records provided by the seller or assignor pursuant to the Bill(s) of Sale, Assignment(s) and/or Affidavit(s) of Sale in connection with the sale or assignment of the Account to Plaintiff 10. The documents attached hereto are true and correct copies of the originals, being a reproduction of Plaintiff's records, based upon my review, except to the extent that confidential : and privileged information and/or personal identifying information is omitted or redacted as required by local rules, and applicable state and federal law. 11. If called to testify as a witness thereon, I could and would competently testify as to all the facts stated herein. LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID CREWE - 3gn AREAL IRAE i IN HA FFRECATT:I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct. " APR 2 2 2008 Date sul) Cc Tew David Crewe STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS . Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on APR 2 2 2024 by David Crewe si ave é SAMANTHA CRUZ « NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA ‘ Q MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 01/31/28 ¢ Notary Public ) CTl AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID CREWE - 4IOUT PAMAMAA ANCA AT OME CEN AFFRECATTACHPAGE 10F4 a mm a Sou‘Accouni no. eet 3881369 balance $3,273.54 Minimum payment due $712.00Previous balance 489,151.05 Payment due date 98/20/2023, aPayments 0.00 Mininwrn Payment Warning: f you make only the minimumOlher credits 0.00 payment for each period, you will pay more in interest an it wallPurchases +0.00 take you longerto pay off your balance. For exampte:‘Other debits +0.00Fees charged $49.00 iFyou make no additional You pay of ‘and you wlllinterest char 281.48 charges using this card the balance shown | end up paying an jew balance 999,273.54 and each month you pay: ‘on the statement estimate total in about:Past due amount ‘$697.00 ‘Ont the minimum payment 42 years $8,023Credit mit $2,400.00 For information regarding crecit counseling services,Avai ilable credit $873.00 call 1-800-284-1706.Statement closing date 07/26/2023Days in billing cycte a1 YOU HAVE A PROMOTIONAL PLAN THAT HAS EXPIRED. $2,910.26 MAY. NOW BE ACCRUING INTEREST AT A HIGHER APR, PLEASE REFER TO THE DETAILS OF YOUR PLANS AND INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION SECTIONS OF THIS STATEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION‘Account Questions? Need to make a payment? Want fo know how (eas?‘Visit COMENITY.NET/ZALES ar call 1-844-271-2708 (FDDITTY 1-888-819-1918).ffyou relumed an item thal was cn @ promotional plan and have queslians with how the relum was appliod to youraccount, please call us,TRANSOATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTIONLOCATION AMOUNTFees07/20/2023 LATE FEE 41.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD“Interest charged Interest Charge on Purchases $81.48 Total Interest For This Period $81.48 2023 fotals year to date Total fees charged in 2023 $289.00 Total interest charged in 2023 $797.54 i rc ‘Your Annual Percentage Rale (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHODon page 2 far more details. Minimum interest charge may exceed interest charge below, per your credit card agreement. TYPEOF BALANCE SUBJECT INTEREST BALANCE APR TOINTEREST RATE CHARGE Purchases 29.99% 327.13 (DA) 833 120S=R 221 01 12 MNTH DF INT PY RQ 29.99% 2,872.35 (DA) 73.15 Please tear at partoraion above ‘Account on $369 fuenber ZALES ‘THE DIAMOND STORE* ‘New balance $3,279.66 Minimum payment $712.00 Yes, [have moved or updatedmy Malled payments must reach us Oo e-mailladdress «5 roverse. ‘Amaunt enclosed: by 6pm ET on oarz0rz07zs. $ Please make check payable a: ‘COMENITY - octobre teed Meer ttt JAQUAY L BLACK Please retum this portion alang with your payment to: 50 HOWE ST APT 2 PO Box 650971 MERIDEN CT 06450-3605 Dallas TX 75265-0971 alede fey Hatalttlaeta telat Pty Nyt 9b57036219 0971 a: 00071200 000327354 EXHIBIT Aikea ain 3 sa nde of each ing crcl. Wo wi not cao you erst on puch ven What To Do? You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement It you pay your ane balanceby tha cue date #ach anit. We wil baginto Hou think ares an eroron your statement, wre to us a Comanlty ‘charge Inarest on ew purchases made uectr# Low APR. Equal Payment ‘Caplial Bank, PO Box 182820, Columbus, OH 4 {2 Bugger Paymont Cred Pan rm te ds percha.terest separately forIn Your later, gva us tha fouling infomation BALAKCE COMPUTATION METHOD. We calcul tan: Your name and account nusber. ‘each Valance using the mead) describes Delow. The bo Iter in (otar amare Tha dol amour ofthe suspected ent Darenbienes nest lo the Balance Subectto ateres! Fab column In 12 ‘Deserion of Pootanr If you tk thera Is aa ar on Your Bl Invemeat Charge Calculate a8e4on an Ins satement comesp.onds 18 Ie ‘describe what you bellova i wrong anc wny you Bees its 8 Falling: mista, ‘You musi caret us whhin6D days after the err appesred on your siament. Yeu must sot us ef sy aera ere fn wring. You may ca ‘misoWe ihe iguxo “sally hablancs" itoret forcharge each onaay thlsm tebalance OIng by pod, applying To Got28 petodk: Oe “by 1s, BUI you do we ar net requited Io Invesdgaia any potental erors and talanea” we tke the Baghaning valence '20¢-anj new bans you may have te 93y the amour: In question. anaes P6 SubTaCtany paymar'a or cris (wealng wny nel oe ‘vine we investigate whetreroF not sere haa been an enor, the filowlog a6 balance: '52erm balance). The gles us tho cy balance, : We cant wy catet ie amevnt in ister ep you as (CUSTOMER SERVICE. COMENTTY NETZALES oF cal dellngcanton that a 1. CTODITTY 1.888-815-197 ‘Send albinguiies to: . ‘he chee aust ay revah on your atm. ané we ey CUSTOMER SERVICE, FO Box 183003, Columbus, CH «3718.80, ceaginae 13 charge you interest on that eroun, Gl, ora catering ‘alwe made 4 mistake, you wal not hava to pay the aroun in ‘TELEPHONE MONITORING. To prvi you with highqualty sewiee, phone questionor aay inert or othe oes ates fo tal aroUNL. ‘communiation wih us is manitrea ancien . ‘Whe yeu da nat hove te pay amounts uestn, YOU ere esporats fr 2 remainderol you" bale ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Abbrovialonson your eiterent mon vn . ‘we ean spply any unpald amount against your ered vt Following: (9 IT PAY RO ‘moane WAIVE INTEREST. PAYMENT REQUIRED, WV INT EO PY means Your Righue You Are Diceatited Wan Your Cred Card Purcrasas WAIVE INTEREST, PMT mare WAIVE (you ae dissed withthe goods or suvices Tal you Nave purchased INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT, DF INT PY RO means DEFER INTEREST,sntt your credit card, and you havo od ind tah fo conec! he prokiem PAYMENT REQUIAZO: DEF INT EQ PY rveans DEFER INTEREST, EQUAL hw mechan, you ay nave te sgh! polo pey ibe remalsing amount PAYMENT; OF INT LOW PMT means OEFER INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT due on tbe purenase ‘and LOW APR EG PAY means LOW APR, EQUAL PAYMENT. Yeu ray pay ‘of you Acceun! aalanen A any ie witout panty.“Touse tis ign, a of me towing mist be mut: 4. Tha porenate must neve ben mai in your home sits or win 100 NOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION. Ynen you prove, les of your oument maling aedress, and ine purchage rite must hove 1 ensck as pa} ant you nuoiz Ue ane use Inns fom Your bboen mie than £60, {Note Nalnarsf hase s nacoaaary your purchase Cheek ta minke &eneine elseonle ued vers om your secoun! arwas based an an advorecomant we mold 1o you. or we awn Ns comeany proceso the paymant 69 a chock wansacson,{hei sola you the goods or services.) PAYMENTS. Peymonts In U.S, celare recolvod by ihe cppcable due cane 2 You must have used yout cra card forthe eurcase, Purchases made fad sat me wl ba crodkid a oo dal recaved, Mellod or ovarighiad‘wih cag savas fom an ATM or a cack fat a you ered aymante mst ao mete requomenis below. Cohandse, 3 payer‘ead eocoumt cana ‘ay nat be creed fr up to fivadays ex may be rece. 33 You aust nol yet have fly paid forthe purchase, Maling or Qvarnight {cutz tin am, Paveler' Eastora Time + personal chack. money oer, check(ETH: or casters Wal of te erteta shove ae met and you ars sill diatedwth he ‘check 2 fhe namo and ecreas om Me payment stub (regular mal) or Purchase, eptact sm ving a: Comenity Capial Bank, PO Sex 182620, ‘3000 KeMeay Drive, Sutte 120, Cartan, TX 78008 lovamigh. Columns, oH 43298-2620 include your payment stb, usa the rtum envelope provided with your “Ratan, vila your account Famer on teehee Brel Be ONE iin we investiga, 8 ana ules apply tho laputes amount as Payment win ene payerent sb. f@scunsee above, Aer we trish ovr investigation we wil tl you our Do at sap er tp your payment to me stb, anadecision. At pont. we tink you oo an amount and you do net pay wo ‘cerraspandence win your payment or san eash or gi exnifestes. may repor you 33 dafingvent. ay By Poona (ut ine 220 go ET, Calusa te ot one REPORTING. Wo may reparInfamton sbeut your éeenunt 1mee271-2708 "8889 ‘eit burwaus, Late payment, missed paymenis, or otter dlaulson your Onna (eu ee 8.00 pte ETE Val COMENTY NETZALES. count reay be rolctad In your credit eon. restora By Ue limo tho slog closes: the Faction you make your payment NOTICEOF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES cu ballava nimi we repatingspe inaccurate, Comenly Capt ant, PO Bor 1220, CEN(On 43216-2520, Pane arm “Your name an account umber Your agsress snd telephane ruber You dispute and why you beiove tn Inaccurate availble, copy of tho sacdon of tw crud report showing the Information you sre sping ‘Song ail bankruptcy notices and related correspondence to Comentty Capital anh, Bankruptcy Oapertmemt, PO Boe 185043, Columbus. OH asir9a083, PAYMENTS MARKED “PAD IN FULL”, Allweitan communlcations regarding dicpuleé amounts tha Include sny check or atheInstumort marked wit Iu” or svar hqusge, cua bo seni 3000 etway Dive, Suite 120, Caron. TX 7! (OO NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELO}1 We ay 8co0p! payment sento any other address wilhou! lasing Bn fourgn. Rew Intarmation Title optional) First Name MI Last Name Soc, See. No, ‘Street Address. Apt. No. RR PO Box City State 2p Code Forelgn Mep Code Home Phone Werk Phone Email Address,PAGE 3OF 4 ‘ORIGINAL ‘ORIGINAL PREVIOUS TOTAL PURCHASE PURCHASE PLAN LAK PURCHASES MENTS NEW PLAN, PLAN ACCRUEC ‘AMOUNT ‘DATE EXPIRES. SALANCE CHARGES ‘SCREOMS BALANCE sn interes NA NA NONE 392.95 41.00 0.00 383.28 71200 833Then TER ‘Tis Promotion aa ences, You wil carts to theoo Sela URW ihe balante& paid I fl, The BOlaACS I Pow inchaded In your o ‘cron balance and minkrum psyment due. ORIGINAL ontoINAL, previ ious. TOTAL PURCHASE PURCHASE LAN PURCHASES PAYMENTS New PLAN PLAN ACCRUED ‘AMOUNT ‘DATE exes BALANCE CHARGES ‘S CREDITS BALANCE enna INTEREST s2ao0co 06/17/2022 0671872023 2pa7.4t 00 0.00 2910.26 0.09 0.00 EE oo Doane a Find out haw to shop safely onting at onguardontine gav IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Account is extremely past due and will be written off as a bad debt SOON. To avoid this, you must pay the Minimum payment amount shown on this statement al least 4 days priorto the end of the ‘monih in which this statement closed. You can find the Statement closing date in the Summary of account activity on ‘page 1 of this statement. if you are not able (o pay the Minimum payment amount,we may sill be able lo assist you. Cail us immediatelyat 1-855-617-8089 (TDD/TTY 1-888-819-1918) to discuss your payment options. tf written off, the bad bt will be reported to the three major credit bureaus and our Recovery team will determine the appropriate steps, as Permitted and available under applicable law, to protect our interests. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT LATE FEE CREDITS:We may occasionally provide a credit for the amount, part or all, ofa late (ee charged to your account. It we do, we will charge a fee of up to $41.00 for any subsequent late payment. In addition, we may ravarse the creditand repost the ‘charge to your account if you fail lo make the minimurn payment due on or before the dus date in the next billing period,PAGE 1 OF 4 rs DD eed‘Agcount no. 1369 ‘New balance $0.00 Minimum payment due $0.00Previous balance +99,270,54 Payment due date 98/20/2023Payments 0.00 Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimumOther credits 3,273.54 payment for each period, you will pay more in interest and i willPurchases. 40.00 lake you longer ta pay off your balance. For example‘Other debits. 40.00Fees charged 40.00 Tf you make no additional You will pay off “and you willInterest charged 0.00 charges using this card the balance shown ‘end up paying anNew balance 430.00 ang each month you pay: on the statement ‘estimated total in about:Past due amount $0.00 ‘niy the minimum payment years ‘$3274Credit limit $2,400.00 For information regar ‘edit counseling services,Available credit call 1-800-284-1706.‘Statement closing date 07/31/2023Days in biting cycleYOU HAVE A PROMOTIONAL PLAN THAT HAS EXPIRED, $2,910.25 MAYNOW BE ACCRUING INTERESTAT A HIGHER APR. PLEASE REFER TO‘THE DETAILS OF YOUR PLANS AND INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATIONSECTIONS OF THIS STATEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION‘Account Questions? Need to make a payment? Want to know how to go paperless?Visit COMENITY.NET/ZALES or call 1-844-271-2708 (TDD/TTY 1-888-819-1918).Ifyou retumed an item thal was on a promotional plan ang have questions wilh how the relu was applied ta your‘account, please callus,TRANS DATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION/LOCATION ‘AMOUNTo7rs1/2023 CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT-PRINCIPALS 2,144.00o7rs2023 CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT “FINANCE CHARGES" 1,129.54Interest charged Interest Charge on Purchases $0.002023 totals year to dateTotal fees charged in 2023 $289.00Total interest charged in 2023 $797.54oe We‘Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate en your account. See BALANCE COMPUTATIONMETHOD on page 2 for more details. Minimum interest charge may exceed interest charge below, per your credit cardagreement.TYPE OF BALANCE SUBJECT INTERESTBALANCE APR TO INTEREST RATE CHARGEPurchases 29.99% 0.00 (DA) 0.0012DS=R 2216801 12 MNTH OF INT PY RQ 79.99% 0.00 (DA) 0.00 "Account tome sete te 4368 umber ZALES THE DIAMOND STORE* ‘New balance $0.00 Winimom payment BONOTPAY Mailed paymecis musi reach us Oo Yes, [have moved et updated my e-mail address - 998 reverse. ‘Amount enclosed: by 6pm ET on 08/20/2023. $ Please make check payableto: bd hef ett Hf tages COMENITY - ZALES. Phe atte tad JAQUAY L BLACK Please return this partion along with your payment to: 50 HOWES' PO Box 650971 MERIDEN CT 06450-3605 Dallas TX 75265-0971 villi poe Fm963703b2149 o9v1 a -: Qoooo00000 oooo00000ee lai or you roca. wowTS ‘Voi bie Sais wi iesst BS Says the class of each yee. We wl not charge you bnerent on purctosts Woat Ta D0 i You Think You Find A MistzkeOn Yur Statement you pay you entre balance by te due date each mon you tak there is wn wer 9 staterent,wile 19 vd at Cometty ‘charge Intereston naw purchzaea rade under a Low APR. Equal Payment ‘Capon Berk, PO Bax 182820, Cotundvs, OH 43218-2620, ‘Badge: Payment trom De date of purchene, In your eter. give us the flowing infooraio: BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. We celoui interest sezarclelyfor : ‘Account nfcrmalion Your nama and account number. seoch balacco using tho rathod(s) gescrived below. Tho trotters i : ‘Dotter amearnt Te. srtount of he suspected ener. pevenneses nett the Bolence Subject lo ieres! Rate column ne : ‘Daseripton of Frost you inne ther a 7 eof on your Di. feaerest Change Celeviaion section en tis sziamen soresponds tothe ‘doserbe wnat you belive s wrong and why you batlave Is 6 talowing isk ‘You must cartact us wid\n 80 days ater he en appearedon your (OA) Wo Sigur to ints enarge 07 ns noe by appying the perils staament, You must nay va of any petonéal ears in wang. You may cal ‘ato the “ost atone for ench d tiling petod. To get te “aly 1s, aut you dew ar nok eoauled i rvecdgsieany potential enocs 37d DDalanco" wo take the beginning balance each day, edd any new ronsaciiona{you may hove o pay tho amount in question. ‘nd foes end extrac: any pay™enis or oats (veatsg any at crac ‘white we iveadgate wnat Ra Na Na OBRBn ar, the followdng ae Dlones ae 0 26m batanco). Ths givas us the day balance ‘We cannot uy to cola (be ammount n question, ar mpor yu ae (CUSTOMER SERVICE. Vil COMENITY.NETZALES or call delinquent09 that smo. 4-046-275-2708 (TODITTY 1-985-859-1818). Sena al inquires to: ‘Tha charge in qoesion snd sonia cn your sttament, and wee may CUSTOMER SERVICE, PO ox 189003, Columbus, OH 43218-3008, comnue fo chrge You lee stan thal emount. But thal we made a mistake, ou wil nol have to pay na amount ‘TELEPHONE MONITORING. To proveyou wih higheutity sence, phone ‘question or any Incestot ear elete fo Wal mou eommunieaUon wih v8Is entered and ren ‘hla you do 201 nave to ay Ihe @mount in question, you are recponibie fr th rama of your opm. ron, Aobmion on your slanar en 8 weean Yay unpald ama against your ere tint, demmnre oa rai eaipmay0). V ¥ RQ tnocre WANE PAYUENT. TEQ PY moana Your signs # You Are Desassa With You Crm Car Prehaes ‘Ave INTEREST COURL PATENT. WNT COW PIT maura WANE you ae dss or sawvices Rat you have purchased REST, 'BAYMEMT, DF INT PY RO means CEFER INTEREST,shin you cee and you eve adr gorda to coreceptor PAYMENT REQUIRED; OEF INT EQ PY ears DEFER INTEREST, EQUAL ‘wits tha merchant, you my hava tbe igh acto pay the rervaining aout PAYMENT, OF INT LOW PIAT means CEFER INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT ‘doe ou the purchase. ‘en LOW APR EQ PAY means LOW APR, EQUAL PAYMENT. You may poy Toruse tia igh al of he folowing mus ba ue: ‘allot your Account balance a ay ti without panty, + The puretase must have been made in your home ste or win $00 NOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION. When you provide ‘las of your eurentraling acaress. anc the purchase pica must have ‘check as payment, othorzaus ether louse Invermation trom your‘been more than S50. (Noto: Netter of nase s necessary i your pwrchase ‘heck io maka a one-me alec und wanster rom your Se20UN Oo was based on an severtsemant we mall 1 you ori we awn te company ‘process ihe payment as a check wansaeson,{mat sla you ta goods or services.) PAYMENTS Prymans nS. cli mone Be apteabi gu8 2. You must have used your cr ord forthe purchase. Purchacos mace ‘ans quot me wl bo cocited ax of ti cn roca aan sevens fom gn ATM awn check at your ered must ate rset ia 8 blow. 0, orn fe nol aul ‘may a be cree fer up w five days or may be rejoctad Stow moter yea Ky 94 arte pase alin or Sverige cuore £20 pn asi Tine Ts personal eck or cashiersUF ofthe crits above ar sad you ara 60 dissashed wlth he choc fhe na tdeat.on the pagent stu Gopuar na ce purchase, con‘set us a1 wntingor Comenity Copia Bons, PO Box 192520, [3000 Ketvay Ovive, Suits 120. Carlton, TX 75008 foverghih. ‘Cetumbue, OH 432 Include your paymen sub, use the rum anvelooe provided wih your Statareni wl your account number onine check and send one riewe investigate, ne same ules apsty tothe disputed amount 28 payment wtih one payment sub. ‘iseussed shove, ARar wa trish cut investgaton, we wil te You OUT Do nat stapa ce cip your payment tothe au, sane‘Secsion. Atha pon we Ink you awe An emounK nd YoU SD Not POY comespandence wih your paymenl or aene cash or 9M eerieases,‘may fepon you 83 delinquent. ‘Pay By Prene (cue time 8:00 pi, ET): Call us tel fre ot LGREDIT REPORTING. Wa may reper Ifarmation sbout your azcoust tocreak burvaue, Laue 2aymonis, mlzzed psyimens, or eter deaton your ‘Gaulnn(cutce cme 8:00 p. Vist COMENITY NETALES. ‘Beeoun may be relactod tn your ered por. {n-ctore By tha ime D9 stor clases athe lection you maks your paymont. onceor cREOIT REPORT DISPUTES ‘you batiovsfaformation we raped steamy Inacoust oy us at Corey Capi Bank PO Ban 82) (0H 45218-7120. Presse provi . Your aame and sceoun! number ‘Your adaross ane telephone nae ‘wnat Informationyou sispuie and why you believe is Inaccurate oeaiablo, 0 copy ofthe sasten ef tho cod rope showing te ‘nformaion you re dlspudng ‘Send alt eankrvptey noes and retsted correspondance to Comenity ‘Bank, Bankrupey Departrient, PO Box 483089, Columbus, aani8 PAYMENTS MARKED “PAID IM FULL". All ttn communteations mounie mai nehude any eneek or thar payer Tgpumoatmar wn “paymort In ha” csr language, meet be cant:3000 Keltway Drive, Sui 120, Concer, DO NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE. ‘Wo may seep! payment gant t ary other ecidrass withul losing any of our fight. Nowe Information Title (optional, First Namo. mi Last Name. ‘See. See. No. Street Address, Apt. No, RR PO Box City Stote Zip Code Foreign Map Code Home Phone Work Phone Email AddressPAGE 30F 4 ‘ORIGINAL ‘ORIGINAL PREVIOUS TOTAL PURCHASE PURCHASE PLAN, PLAN PURCHASES. PAYMENTS, NEW PLAN PLN ACCRUED INTEREST “aN DATE EXPIRES BALANCE ‘A CHARGES. ‘CREDITS ‘BALANCE ann NIA NA NONE 383.28 4.00 363.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 SRR “Tit Pramadon hoa ended,ou wil orice tsea hege deta wri be balancefo paldTa uN The balance snow incued yOu" current bataaee and medmum paymen die GRIGINAL OnIGINAL PREVIOUS. TOTAL PURCHASE PURCHASE PLAN PLAN PURCHASES: PAYMENTS. NEW PLAN PLAN ACCRUED ‘AMOUNT DATE EXPIRES, BALANCE ‘A CHARGES. ‘ACREOITS BALANCE enn INTEREST $2,400.00 06/17/2022 0611872023 2,950.26 2.00 2910.25 0.09 0.00 0.00 . eee ce Find oul how to shop safely caline al IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUIRED! Your Accountis extremely past due and will be written off as a bad debt SOON. To avoid this, you must pay the Minimum payment amount shown on this stateriant at least 4 days prior to the end af the month in which this statertent closed. You can fird the Statement closing date in the Summary af acceunt activity on ‘page 1 of this statement. If you are not able to pay the Minimum payment amount, we may stil be able 10 assist you. Call Us immadialaly at 1-855-617-8089 (TOD/TTY 1-888-819-1918) to discuss your payment oplions. if written off the bad‘debt will be reported to the three major credit bureaus and our Recovery team wil determine the appropriate steps, as permitted and avalable under applicable law, to protect our interests. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT LATE FEE CREDITS:We may occasionally provide a credit for the ammount, part or all of a lale fee charged to your account. we de, we will chargea feaof up to $41.06 for any subsequent late payment. In addition, wa may raverse the credit and repost the charge to your account if you fail to make the minimum paymentdue on or betore the due datein the next billing period.5 Ae = Tce Tae ae a Oe ae Ze Aeae & sna ce ae Ze AS me Ee eh eeg Ye He oeFe: a peae é A a Ss a a oe Ba voa It Se Oo eS & Eee caaess Sian soe se i ty ead: = reeds a a e a) oy e val coyss ieer Ee eti ) a! 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For example: ‘Wyau make no additional ‘Youwill pay off ‘And you will Credit tienit $2,400.00 ‘charges using this care the batance shown end up payinganAvailable credit $213.00 ‘and each month you pay: ‘on tho statomant catinatd teat ‘Statement closing date r2aer20z2 In about: Days in biting cycle a ‘Only the miimum payment 11 years 96.96 ‘3106 ‘years
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